About the Founder

About The Founder

The Founder of Kenaz Art Studio

Ghaleya Saeed Almansoori


Ghaleya Al Mansoori is an Emirati multidisciplinary artist whose creative practice encompasses a diverse range of materials and mediums, including mixed media installation, sculpture, drawing, and painting.

Her work delves deep into the intricate intersections of social and gender-based concepts, continually pushing the boundaries of personal and gender roles within the context of societal and cultural norms. Ghaleya’s aristic vision transforms familiar visual and aural signs into conceptually layered drawings and installations, presenting a rich tapestry of ideas and emotions.

With an unwavering commitment to artistic exploration, Ghaleya employs various materials and processes in each project, maintaining a consistent and thought-provoking methodology.

Her diverse projects exhibit recurring formal concerns, interwoven with engaging subject matter that encourages critical reflection.


1. Training Diploma in Art Therapy – 2024

Al Tanmya Almustadama Training Institute

2. Master of Arts in Art Education - 2023

School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), USA

3. BA in Visual Art - 2015

Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Ghaleya’s Artistic Career

The Emirati artist Ghaleya Almansoori was born and raised in Abu Dhabi. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Art with a concentration in drawing and mixed media from Zayed University in 2015 and a Master of Arts in Art Education from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) in 2023.

In 2015, she received the prestigious “Best of Show” award for her piece “SHE/little/FIERCE,” which was showcased at Manarat Al Saadiyat and as an invited artist at the European Parliament’s Emirati Modern Art Exhibition in Brussels, Belgium.

In 2019, Ghaleya’s artistic prowess garnered further recognition as she secured first place in the ADIHEX exhibition competition and also emerged as the top innovator in the Innovation Acelerator program organized by the Department of Culuure & Tourism, following a rigorous six-month program. Her artistic journey has been enriched by international experiences, including internships in Venice, Italy, and “Explorations In The Arts” in Germany. She also completed a year-long Art fellowship with Salama Bint Hamdan Emerging Artist in collaboration with The Rhode Island School of Design in New York City, USA. Ghaleya’s artwork consistently provides a Critical perspective on social and cultural issues, exploring the complex relationships between popular culture and fine arts.

Artist & Educator

Furthermore, Ghaleya’s dedication to art education and community engagement is evident through her extensive involvement in community-based art workshops and outreach programs. She has actively contributed t projects at prestigious institutions such as Manarat Saadiyat, cultural centers, and museums in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and Al Dhafra.

She has also played a pivotal role in art educational programs in collaboration with esteemed institutions like the Zayed National Museum, Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum, and the Guggenheim Museum.

Over 10 years, Ghaleya Has been an integral part of a cultural and educational government department in Abu Dhabi, where she continues to inspire and be inspired by her surroundings while teaching contemporary and traditional art practices to diverse age groups.

Personal reflection from the founder

“My art is my tool of expression and my tool for change. I strive to foster creativity, and inspire
others to explore the world of art. My journey continues to evolve, and I look forward to creating,
educating, and connecting with people through art.”

- Ghaleya Saeed AlMansoori

غاليه سعيد المنصوري

مؤسس استوديو كناز للفنون

مسيرة عمل إلى ما وراء األلوان - لغة تتجاوز الكلمات!

غاليهًسعيدًالمنصورهيًفنانةحالمةًونابغةًفيًالمجتمعً.مسيرتهاًفيًعالمًالفنًهيًمزيجًمنًاأللوانًالنابضةًبالحياةًواألفكارًالجريئةًوالعالقاتًالصادقةً. كفنانةً،تتجاوزًغاليه مجردًاستخدامهاًللطالءًوالقماشً.فأنهاًتحيكًالقصصًباستخدامًمزيجًمنًالوسائلً
تطرحًأعمالًغاليه أسئلةًجريئةًوتدعوناًللتفكيرًفيًأدوارناًوقواعدناًبطرقًجديدةً.إنهاًالًتتعلقًفقطًبإنشاءًفنًمعلقًعلىًالجدرانً.
منًخاللًعملهاًمعًالمراكزًالفنيةًالشهيرةًفيًأبوًظبيًوالعينًوالظفرةً،تظهرًغاليه أن الفن يمكن أن يجمع الناس مع ا وينشط
األذهان. تتمحور دراستها حول جعل الفن شيئ ا يمكن للجميع أن يحبه ويتعلم منه.
فنًغاليه ليسًمجردًرؤيةًولكنًيجبًأنًتكونًذاتًخبرةًومشاركةً،مماًيخلقًإبداعاتًمنًاإللهامًفيًالمجتمعً

مسيرة غاليه الفنيةً

فخر مسقط رأسهاً:نشأتًغاليه المنصوريًفيًأبوظبيً،اإلماراتًالعربيةًالمتحدةً،وتمتدًجذورهاًالفنيةًفيًموطنهاًاألصليً

الخلفية التعليمية: تفوقت أكاديمي ا، وتخرجت بحصولها على مرتبة الشرف من جامعة زايد في عام 2015 بدرجةًالبكالوريوسً.فيً

•ًالتعبير من خالل الفنً:تتميزًأعمالًغاليه الفنيةً،المعروفةًبمنظورهاًالنقديًللقضاياًاالجتماعيةًوالثقافيةًبانسجامهاًبشكلًجميلًبينً

غاليه المنصوري

•ًالفنانةًاإلماراتيةًغاليه المنصوريً،المشهودًلهاًفيًاألوساطًالفنيةًفيًأبوظبيً.
•ًحصلتًعلىًجائزةًالعرضًالفنيً”ًشي/ليتل/فيرس”ً”FIERCE/little/SHE “الذي عُرض في منارة السعديات وفي بروكسل.
•ًفنًغاليه مزيجًمنًالفنونًالتقليديةًوالفنونًالجميلةً،مماًيعززًالهويةًالوطنيةًوًيحفزًاإلبداعًوااللهامً.

االنعكاس الشخصي من المؤسس

“فني هو أداتي في التعبير وأداة التغيير الخاصة بي. أسعى جاهدة لتعزيز اإلبداع، وإلهام اآلخرين الستكشاف عالم الفن. تستمر
رحلتي في التطور، وأتطلع إلى اإلبداع والتثقيف والتواصل مع الناس من خالل الفن.”
غاليه سعيد المنصوري
